Jekyll in Windows 终极奥义

15 Mar 2012

Install msysGit

Download Wget for Windows

Wget("World Wide Web"和"Get"的结合)是一个在网络上进行下载的简单而强大的自由软件,此为 Windows 版本,只需下载 wget.exe 文件后放在 C:\windows 下即可在任何位置调用 wget 命令

Install Ruby

Jekyll requires Ruby 1.9.1 or higher

Install Python

1 $ cd /f
2 # setuptools does not work with Python 3.2
3 $ wget -nc
4 $ msiexec -qn -i python-2.7.2.amd64.msi ADDLOCAL="DefaultFeature"

Install Pygments

1 # Install setuptools 
2 $ wget -nc
3 $ ./
4 # Pygments
5 $ easy_install Pygments

Install RedCloth

1 $ gem install RedCloth

Install Jekyll

1 $ gem install jekyll

Install GSL libraries

1 $ wget ''
2 $ tar xf gsl*
3 $ cd gsl*
4 $ ./configure
5 # Warning, make takes about 7 min.
6 $ make
7 $ make install

Install Ruby/GSL

 1 # "gem install gsl" does not work. If you try it you are going to need to
 2 # delete from "Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems" before you can continue.
 3 # version has to be patched to support GSL 1.15.
 4 $ wget --content-disposition --no-check-certificate \
 5 $
 6 $ tar xf romanbsd-rb-gsl*
 7 $ cd romanbsd-rb-gsl*
 8 $ ruby setup.rb config
 9 $ ruby setup.rb setup
10 $ ruby setup.rb install

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