GitHub for Windows 万物复苏

23 May 2012

经历了太多的等待,GitHub 终于诞下了 Windows 版,有平板触摸的感觉,欢喜^^

GitHub for Windows 是一个100%的本地应用,可以运行在 Windows XP, Vista, 7, pre-release Windows 8。应用中包括完整的 msysGit 安装,使其成为在 Windows 上使用 Git 的不二选择。

Discover, Create and Share

GitHub for Windows is the easiest way to manage your repositories on Clone your repositories right from the app or clone directly from with the new Clone in Windows button.

Browse commits, create new ones. Roll back changes or revert them entirely.

Find and check out branches.

Create and publish branches. Merge and delete them.

Seamless Install and Automatic Updates.

We provide a no questions asked install experience and silent, automated updates that install in the background.

>>下载地址 (安装需要 .Net Framework 4, 在线下载, ssh会重新自动安装)

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